Friday, November 03, 2006

Here at IIT (not ITT), there are a few "Christian" clubs.
Campus Crusade for Christ
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship
Remnant in Covenant
Rejoice in Jesus Campus Fellowship
IIT Bible Club
I want to break down my experiences with each one of these clubs in my next few posts.

Campus Crusade for Christ comes first for no particular reason other than alphabetical- I went to a bunch of their meetings/Bible Studies when they first came to campus. One guy transferred from another university to IIT to be the president of the Club so it could get started with the help of some staff hired by the national CCC, Mark Covell, and Beth Ann Nelson.

Mark likes Napoleon Dynamite, so you might be able to tell that he and I got along pretty well, until he found out that I was in another Christian club on campus. When I told him the Church I went to he told me that "you should, no you need to change Churches," because apparently the church was trying to control my life. I had in mind at that time to change churches, but not because they were trying to control me (like Mark was), but because they were growing more liberal every day. Closer and closer to being like this church: New Community Covenant Church, which happened to be the church he was going to at the time. So he basically told me that unless I left the club I was part of (which had ties to my old church) and switch to another church, there could be no way that I would be able to represent IIT's CCC as a member in a leadership position. Kind of like gently kicking me out of the club.

Then I started going to a book/Bible study with a couple guys from CCC and a couple other guys. The Book was Wild at Heart by John Eldridge . After the first meeting I realized that this book just isn't very Christian. Basically the message of the book is that men have to be manly, act on our impulses, those desires we have are given by God, so go for it! Yeah! A lot of people just love the book, and I think I know why: it gives people an excuse to act on sinful desires.
One other guy besides myself in the group seemed to recognize the abhorrent teaching in this book. The leader of the group wanted us to all get together to have a guys movie night, he suggested a bunch of R rated movies, mostly movies full of bad language and at least one had a nude scene. When I commented that maybe we should consider a wholesome movie, he basically said that were all grown up and we can handle it, besides, the author of the book recommended these ones. Every night of the meeting he would call each one of the guys to make sure they were coming. Half way through the semester I stopped going to the book study, he never called.

CCC along with IVCF is sponsoring an event on campus called "Porn Nation: the naked truth" I cant say anything about the event except that the advertisements around campus are very provocative, not in a good way.
the verse that comes to mind is Romans 3:8
And why not say (as we are slanderousley reported and as some claim that we say), "Let us do evil that good may come"? Their condemnation is just. [NASB]

I know that there may be people who disagree with my take on some of these things, that's ok, I might be wrong. I would be happy to listen to another POV.
well, I'm about done. got other stuff to do.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Dan, I heard about your accident. I'm sorry, I hope all goes well. Would you have the money that you would have spent on gas to get a plane ticket? I could try to get a really cheap one and you could fly in Friday night. Just a thought??