Monday, September 25, 2006

Subterranian Evangelism

Last Friday I went downtown Chicago with a group of 6 or 7 people (some from my church, others I never met). Most of them were from Moody Bible Institute. I was going to go meet them on a busy sidewalk to help gather a crowd for open air preaching. I got off the subway and it was raining real bad. So check this out: I gave Bethany (a friend from Church) a call to ask what's happening, where they were. She answered and said that they were at a subway platform a few stops away. So I got back on the train and when I got there I met up with everyone. First thing I said was "How did you get phone reception down here?" She looked at her phone (which didn’t have any reception) looked back at me and said, "I was wondering the same thing when you called me." For those who don't know what its like 100 feet below ground, one of the aspects is ZERO phone reception. I mean you don't get any at all, even walking down the steps to the platform.

Here's the conclusion we came up with: The cellular signal emitted from the phone was actually amplified by the cylindrical shape of the concrete walls. Coupled with the electrical field given off of the third rail of the train tracks running parallel along both sides of the tunnel, and the conductive steel columns traversing up through the concrete shell of the subway walls into the earthen subsurface above the tunnel itself, the digital cellular signal actually converted itself into an analog signal on it's conical path from the phone antenna but not before penetrating the central hub of the storm drain tunnels, thereby emitting the signal throughout all of Chicagoland, which probably caused electromagnetic interference and possible electro-meltdown among all cell phone towers in the area directly after hanging up. Sorry Chicago. or... God may have had a part in it. Anyway the whole time was a blast. We passed out hundreds of tracts, witnessed to oodles of people and even did some open air preaching in between trains stopping. YES, two minute Gospel presentations are possible. There was a cop watching us the whole time, but he wasn't watching the guy playing blues guitar loud enough to drown us out. I hope it was because he wanted to hear the gospel (Yes, he did) and not because he thought we were causing trouble.

I witnessed to a Jewish girl who seemed truly convicted of her sin. She clung to every word I said, every verse I quoted. She heard the Gospel of the Messiah but I don't know what she did with it. Pray for her, God knows her name.

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