Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Subterranean Evangelism + Chicago Deepdish + Chuck Norris

This is a slice of famous Giordano's Chicago style deep dish pizza. It is delicious. Last week, (February 13) my pastor and I met at Giordano's for about quite a while regarding street-level evangelism, and for fellowship. First a little background - A few weeks ago, the Sunday after some members from my church went into the catacombs of the city to hand out bags of hats, gloves, etc, Pastor Bill asked me to lead the Street-level evangelism ministry for our church.
I said that I would pray about it, as during the week God showed me through his word that it was his will. I actually felt kind of dumb for actually praying so much about it, when I knew the answer all along. I always tell people who say they are not sure what God's will is for them that He has already revealed it - it is to preach the Gospel to every creature, help the helpless, and sin not.
So during the meeting My pastor and I had, we talked about a lot of things. Basically the idea for the street level evangelism is for those homeless people who won't, or can't come to church for any given reason, we will bring the church to them. I've had my jumble of ideas for what this meant, as did Pastor Bill. As we talked, things became clearer and clearer. The vision is to eventually get to know some group of Homeless people very well, to sit with them, sup with them, play chess (because I stink at Checkers), all the while talking about the things of God. The broad ultimate goal, depending on your central interpretive motif, is God's Glory. I think that lends itself to a variety of smaller goals, like self sacrifice, love for others, preaching the Gospel, and the salvation of souls. So pray for this ministry if you will.
After our meeting I was headed home and at the subway station, I looked at the signs for which train to get on, I looked at the northbound train sign (the one I needed to get on) and I thought to myself, "nope, I need to get on the other one." As I was walking down the stairs to the train Mark Pospisil (a friend from church who leads an evangelism ministry, see my first Subterranean Evangelism post) called out to me. "Daniel!" he was right behind me, with a group of around 20 Moody grad students. He told me that they were going in the subway for some witnessing/preaching. I said I would stick around with them for a few minutes (which turned out to be about an hour). I talked with a few homeless people about the things of God, and gave them each a slice of pizza left over from Giordano's. I talked with around 8 people, including a Jehovah's witness (whom I actually convinced to take a tract as he boarded his train), two atheists, an agnostic, a blind girl, and a polish guy. I gave out about 50 tracts, and everyone who I came in contact with was smiling as we parted. Please also pray for that ministry.

I don't have any special profound closing lines but... I have a quote from Chuck Norris:
"On a more serious side, however, we, like our Founding Fathers, should commit ourselves to the wisdom of Jesus, ''You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free.'' He was right, 100 percent." - Chuck Norris (


Anonymous said...

Dan, that is fantastic! I will definitely be praying for that ministry!

I'll be in Chicago during Easter weekend. It'll be a short trip with a bunch of my girl friends, but I know we'll be in the city for awhile, so if it works out, maybe I can see you for a bit! That would be fun. I'll let you know when we get more finalized plans. :-)

Take care!

Dan said...

Dan, I just ran across your blog...when "googling" my own name: Daniel Dow... what a kick to find another Daniel Dow who is a follower of Christ! I live on the "left coast"...please don't hold that against me. My wife and I attend Southwest Community Church in Indian Wells, CA.
Blessings to you and your family!
-from Daniel Dow to Daniel Dow